
People working together in a strong community with a shared goal and a common purpose.

Common Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

A). Register your personal bio-data details to the Stress Free Investment Club Database through the registration form here on the website. Register here

B). Download the DFCU Investment Club App on your Phone from Google Play Store or your Apple Store.

– Dial *196# Allow all messages.
Go to the DFCU Investment Club App and register as a member on account A/C 01361118276344.

– DFCU Bank will send you a Pin for your account.

– When you get the pin, go back to DFCU Investment Club app and change the Pin.

C). Please pay a one time off Registration fee of 100,000 UGX and annual subscription fees of 50,000 UGX for 3 years (In total 150,000 UGX) this is all payable through DFCU Investment Club app

This payment is inclusive of back years plus current year you are joining the Investment Club.

Then your name will be added to the Stress Free Investment Club Forums for community updates and also different communications. Thereafter you will be given access to website community where you can set-up your own account

Register them and pay, then please contact Investment Club Admins on +256 706 744644 or +971 56 377 9782 or contact them via email and you will be guided on how to save for your minors.

This is okay, Please go ahead and register, then contact Admins on +256 706 744644 or +971 56 377 9782 or via email and you will be guided further.

Please contact Admins on +256 706 744644 or +971 56 377 9782 or via email.

You’ll be issued with a special SFIC group number.

I). First Financial Year From July 1st, 2020 to June 30th, 2021.
– One pays 60,000 monthly, or a total annual sum of 720,000 UGX (MUST be paid within the first month) but not more than 1 year.

II). Second Financial Year From July 1st, 2021 to June 30th, 2022.
– One pays 90,000 UGX monthly or a total annual sum of 1,080,000 UGX
– Plus an additional Savings Booster of 200,000 UGX

III). Third Financial Year From July 1st , 2022 to June 30th, 2023
– One pays 90,000 UGX monthly, or a total annual sum of 1,080,000 UGX
– Plus an additional Savings Booster of 200,000 UGX

i). Log into the App
ii). Under your member profile, select the group account
Choose pay with mobile money option
iii). Select transaction type as savings
iv). Choose transfer type as wallet money and enter your mobile number starting with 2567…
v). Enter the amount you wish to pay, input remarks and select next
vi). Enter the One Time Password (OTP) sent to your phone in sms to show successful for the request
vii). Wait a few seconds to enter your mobile money pin
viii). Check your App after 2 minutes to see your updated contribution amount.

Note:- Every member should make sure they have authorized the payment with their mobile money pin after which they will receive sms with “the transaction is successful”

Please contact Admins on +256 706 744644 or +971 56 377 9782 or via email

Your PIN will be reset.

Dial *196# to Allow all messages.

Below is simplified steps u will have to follow using the USSD :

1. *240*100# yes/ok
2. Select the sim card that the line has money(MM)
3. Enter 1 send
4. Enter your pin send
5. Select club member send
6. Select MM/DFCU
7. Select our our club account
8. Enter your number registered on the app in the 2567….. format. DO NOT put a + in front of the phone number
9. Enter the amount
10. Select transfer type savings or if u are paying for subscription fees, select membership
11. Confirm by cross checking numbers entered put in yo mm pin
12. Send/confirm.

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