About us
People working together in a strong community with a shared goal and a common purpose can make the impossible possible.
About us
Stress Free Investment Club
Stress Free is a private Investment Club operating on the principles of integrity, good governance and transparency. Our membership comprises of people of diverse professions sharing a common goal of pooling together resources and expertise to make financially sound investments both in the short and long run. We strive to financially empower our members but also create a platform where they can learn, socially interact with like-minded people and gain experience in accelerated investments
Years of Existence

Why we do what we do
Empowering ourselves financially through savings eventually venturing into investment opportunities.
Expected Projects
Savings per Month
User Ratings

Objectives of Our Club
- To mobilize savings from its members by way of monthly contributions to the investment club fund and to encourage members to raise funds for savings in every possible way.
- To invest the club funds in such ways as are financially profitable be it in trust funds and/or other related ventures that will give interest to the funds of the subscribed members.
- For the realization of the above objectives the club may do all acts and things permissible under regulations there under these by-laws or any enactment of Parliament.
- Political interference shall be kept out of the investment club but members of all political leanings can be members if they fulfill the required qualifications for membership.
- To do all such other things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the investment club objectives or any of them or the performance of its functions.
- Fostering unity, cooperation and development among the members.